
《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》蓝盒子黄盒子(绘本+练习册+音频)仅VIP下载

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》内容简介:

红火箭分级读物(Red Red Rocket Reader)近几年是超级网红般的存在,甚至和大名鼎鼎的牛津树,RAZ, 海尼曼等并驾齐驱,得到了各位妈妈的吹捧和独宠。


红火箭之所以被评价为是母语非英语娃们最易入门的读物,很大一部分原因在于这套书的主要作者、编者——Pam Holden帕姆·霍尔顿。这个名字大家可能会觉得陌生,但是说到海尼曼大家一定都很清楚,她就是当年编写海尼曼分级读物的语言专家之一。


  • 红火箭从26个英文字母开始,零基础入门。无须掌握很多单词就能开始阅读。


  • 内容有坡度,层层递进,符合蓝思分级系统,能带着孩子通过“量”的积累实现“质”的突破。


  • 题材包罗万象,兼具故事性和科普性。


国内目前引入两个级别,一个是基础级:从紫色的Foundation Level到红色的Early Level 1,称为蓝盒子。一个是进阶级:从黄色的Early Level 2到绿色的Early Level 4,称为黄盒子。也就是说,根据官方的建议年龄,蓝盒子+黄盒子的300+读本,适合4-7岁(幼儿园~小学1年级)的孩子阅读。

第一阶段是蓝色盒子,包含了Foundation Level、Pre-Reading Level、Emergent Level 和 Early Level 1四个level,共计175本,单本词汇量70以下,适合零基础或稍有基础的孩子。从它的整体结构图中,我们可以看到该套教材的适合年龄是4-6岁,蓝思指数为BR-70 。

  • Foundation Level: (适合完全0基础孩子)


  • Pre-Reading Level:(适合幼儿园小班,中班孩子)

这个级别的封面是粉红色的,总共48本书,包含了24本故事书和24本科普书。每本书16页,每页不超过5个单词。这个系列包含的主题有:衣服,玩具,头和身体,感觉和动作,水果,蔬菜,食物和饮料,花和昆虫,海底世界,动物园,乐器,运动,数字,形状和颜色,天气和职业等。同时,它采用相同的句式“字母X is for X”,让孩子反复学习字母在单词里的发音,培养孩子的音素意识,巩固Alphabet Explorers中所学单词,并且开始介绍最基础的sight words,比如 is, for, the。

  • Emergent Level:(适合已经有24个字母基础,幼儿园中班,大班)

这个level 总共48本书,书本封面是玫红色,和Pre-Reading Level 一样,包含24本故事类,24本科普类,每本16页,每页单词在5-6个左右。这个系列在上一阶段的基础上,增加了幼儿园级别大纲上要求掌握的众多的sight words,并且每一页都重复使用同一句式、同一短语、同一单词,带孩子完成迅速积累。

  • Early Level 1:(适合已经有一定基础,或者牛津树1级已完成,1级以上的孩子)

这个level 同样48本书,24本故事书,24本科普书,书的封面为红色。从这个level 开始,开始进行自然拼读的学习,复数、比较级,时态,以及标点的应用,将由图画和短句的阅读,过渡到更复杂的长句阅读,正式开始迈向阅读。

红火箭的第二个阶段是黄色箱,包含了Early Level 2、Early Level 3、Early Level 4 三部分,共计144本书,蓝思指数为80-450。

  • Early Level 2: (适合幼儿园大班-一年级孩子)

总共48本,24本故事书,24本科普书。每本16页,单本词汇量在130个左右,图书封面是黄色。这个阶段 ,孩子能够学习到更多的sigth words 和更多的主题,比如数字,颜色,天气等等。同时加入了引号和问号的应用,后缀-er、-ing…复合词into、zookeeper…缩写词can’t、It’s… 培养视觉识别力come/some/coming..本级别故事类读物加入了更多的文学题材,科普类读物注重培养孩子提取信息的能力。

  • Early Level 3: (适合一年级6-7岁的孩子)


  • Early Level 4: (适合小学低年级学生)

这个level 是黄盒子最后一个level 了,绿色书皮,共48本书,24本故事书,24本科普书。这个级别加大了生词量和新句式,但配图可以帮助孩子理解故事情节和猜词。孩子们将进一步认识英文形容词最高级的用法, 以及动词过去时态如 could, had的用法。


  • 蓝盒子:Foundation Level(31册绘本+30个音频)、Pre-Reading Level(48册绘本+49个音频)、Emergent Level(48册绘本+48个音频)、Early Level 1(48册绘本+48个音频);
  • 黄盒子:Early Level 2(48册绘本+48个音频)、Early Level 3(48册绘本+48个音频)、Early Level 4(48册绘本+48个音频);
  • 练习册:从Pre-Reading Level ~ Early Level 4 共109册PDF(缺少蓝盒子的Foundation Level练习册)

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》资源介绍:

英文名称:Red Rocket Reader

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》蓝盒子绘本共175册  目录:

26个字母 1 2 3 4 5 6
A a brave girl an apple tree animals races all kinds of ears a quick picnic close to home
ae balloons fly by animals in danger at the beach baby animals are you hungry? collecting
b cross the river at school baking day come to thelibrary as fast as you can dinosaur days
c dress up day bird life big animals friends are fun at the airpot endangered animals
ch Farm friends from eggs donkeys tail go go go blow wind blow half each
d fruit for you fun at the park going up hot stuff busy buddy hats on heads
e geting ready games play hoppity hop little animals clean up time heavy or light
f getting clean get moving how tall look how we cook faces show feelings high higher highest
g Happy Birthday lets go riding in and out opposites going to ski how many wheels
h having fun look after pets jump for joy toys that can go help me please i like to paint
i How many legs looking at bugs lets play ball what can you see i spy in my lunchbox
j king of the zoo machines that listen to that what can you smell? make a snowman paits df feet
k look at my home make a salad open and close what feels cold max monkey this or that
l make music musical instruments our weather what feels sticky? my  hands water to ice
M naughty goldilocks name the numbers round and round what is fun? one quiet night what can float
N noisy traffic noisy animals see me ride what is inside? ready for lift dff what goes fast
O our toy box our world slow movers what is noisy? sand everywhere what goes up high
p paint a picture out in space so fast what is quiet? show me a shape what is in the garden
ph red riding hood plant a plant stickybeak the parrot what is soft? spots and stripes what is in the sky
q three billy goats gruff sea life up and down what shape is  this? the flying monkey what is round
r three little pigs things to do vegetable basket who has horns? the junk box what tastes good
s when i grow up we like sports we like fishing who has whiskers? watch me swim where do animals sleep
sh who swims here who has claws what can fly who lives in the sea? what will we eat who helps me
t x-rays who has stripes? yes please who lives on a farm zoom zoom whose tail is this

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》黄盒子绘本共144册  目录:

1 2 3 4 5 6
animal defences a week with my aunt about lighthouses brave grace a stormy day a forest fire
animal friends animal art animal sizes buddy likes to ride after dark all kinds of hair
book art All By Myself building roads careful counting animal homes carry me
bugs and beetles baby elephant’s trunk caterpillar to butterfly dirty animals big machines charlie’s boat
discover dinosaurs bear gets stuck dance dance dance don’t smile different dogs everyone reads
fitness is fun breakfast at the zoo good things from trees fast and noisy grow a garden grandad’s place
from tadpole to frog charlie to the rescue jobs people do feed the ducks houses and homes hatching eggs
help our oceans dinner with fox learn about birds go left or right how old are you helpful max monkey
Icebergs don’t cry wolf learning to swim lost of legs making milk helping the zookeeper
inventions help us funny races life cycle of a  plant magic stone soup making tracks hot air balloons
keeping safe hare and tortoise look in the mirror our family band move move move how do you move
lets make a volcano hide from max monkey making a book our puppet show off to school i can’t whistle
living underground jungle fire masks our tree house on the outside missing heads
making honey lost at the zoo puppy school robot at the zoo playground games mixing paints
odd one out make a scarecrow push or pull snack time sets in nature no bridge
out in the snow mrs snip snap ringing bells the best tail so strong pockets
patterns musical chairs road rules the hungry boy super spiders rainbow balloons
perfect pets once upon a time t rex the mailbox man the great outdoors shadows
polar bear survival seal on the loose teeth thirsty baby elephant things with wings slow down
presto pizza shadows on the wall the chocolate  factory time for a swim top to toe counting the birthday surprise
simple technology shark and crab water from rain turtle is lost underground explorers the weather report
the moon tug of war what is it made of umbrellas go up volcanoes we forgot
then and now what can you read wind who wins the race what could i be what have you got
triky tangrams why is a bird a bird working animals wiggly tooth what makes it go which one is it

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》蓝盒子练习册  目录:

Pre Reding Level  Fiction: Pre Reading Level Non Fiction:
Dress-up Day Worksheet          At School Worksheet   
Fruit for You Worksheet          From Eggs Worksheet   
Getting Ready Worksheet          Games We Play Worksheet  
Look at My Home Worksheet       Make a Salad Worksheet   
Make Music Worksheet             Noisy Animals Worksheet  
Naughty Goldilocks Worksheet    Plant a Plant Worksheet  
Three Billy Goats Gruff Worksheet Sea Life Worksheet   
X-Rays Worksheet   Who Has Stripes Worksheet
Emergent Level Fiction: Emergent Level Non Fiction:
Big Animals Worksheet            Come to the Library Worksheet
Going Up Worksheet               Come_To_The_Library_Worksheet
Going_Up_Worksheet               Opposites Worksheet           
Hoppity Hop Worksheet            What Can You See Worksheet   
Icebergs Worksheet               What Feels Cold Worksheet     
Lets Play Ball Worksheet         What Feels Sticky Worksheet   
See Me Ride Worksheet            What is Fun Worksheet         
So Fast Worksheet                What is Noisy Worksheet      
Stickybeak the Parrot Worksheet What is Quiet Worksheet      
Stickybeak_the_Parrot_Worksheet Who_lives_on_a_Farm_Worksheet
What Can Fly Worksheet    
Early Level 1 Fiction: Early Level 1 Non Fiction:
A Quick Picnic Worksheet    Close to Home Worksheet     
Are You Hungry Worksheet    How Many Wheels Worksheet   
Max Monkey Worksheet         Naughty_Goldilocks_Worksheet
Max_Monkey_Worksheet         What Goes Fast Worksheet   
My Hands Worksheet          What Goes Up High Worksheet
Show Me a Shape Worksheet    What is in the Garden Worksheet
Spots and Stripes Worksheet What is Round Worksheet     
The Flying Monkey Worksheet What Tastes Good Worksheet  
Watch Me Swim Worksheet What_is_Round_Worksheet  

《红火箭分级读物Red Rocket Reader》黄盒子练习册  目录:

Early Level 2  Fiction: Early Level 2 Non Fiction:
Animal_Homes_Worksheet       Big Machines Worksheet      
Hatching Eggs Worksheet       Houses and Homes Worksheet  
How do you Move Worksheet    How Old Are You Worksheet   
How_Do_You_Move_Worksheet    Off to School Worksheet     
Mixing Paints Worksheet       Sets in Nature Worksheet   
No Bridge Worksheet          Things With Wings Worksheet
Pockets Worksheet             Volcanoes Worksheet         
Rainbow Balloons Worksheet    What Makes it Go Worksheet  
The Weather Report Worksheet  
We Forgot Worksheet  
Early Level 3 Fiction: Early Level 3 Non Fiction:
Brave Grace Worksheet          Animal Sizes Worksheet         
Buddy Likes to Ride Worksheet Jobs People Do Worksheet        
Dirty Animals Worksheet       Making A Book Worksheet         
Fast and Noisy Worksheet       Puppy School Worksheet         
Go Left or Right Worksheet    Push or Pull Worksheet         
Lots of Legs Worksheet         T Rex Worksheet                 
Our Tree House Worksheet       T-Rex_Worksheet                 
Snack_Time_Worksheet          Teeth Worksheet                 
The Best Tail Worksheet The Chocolate Factory Worksheet
Early Level 4 Fiction: Early Level 4  Non Fiction:
All By Myself Worksheet         Animal Friends Worksheet      
A_Week_With_my_Aunt_Worksheet   Fitness is Fun Worksheet      
Baby Elephants Trunk Worksheet Fitness_is_Fun_Worksheet      
Breakfast at the Zoo Worksheet Lets Make A Volcano Worksheet
Hide From Max Monkey Worksheet Living Underground Worksheet  
Lost at the Zoo Worksheet       Presto Pizza Worksheet        
Mrs Snip Snap Worksheet         Simple Technology Worksheet   
Once Upon a Time Worksheet      Tricky Tangrams Worksheet
What Can You Read Worksheet  








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